There were times when my Dad locked eyes with my teenage self that I knew no matter how good of a liar I might be, and whether or not he actually called me out on it ... He just knew. I knew that he did,and I was ashamed. This look from his eyes was something to be avoided. To this day I cannot mow the yard on a riding lawn mower without almost cringing.
I think I was probably 17 and I had to mow that huge yard "again". I thought he was getting parts from town so I hopped on that lawn mower and opened it up almost up to Road Gear! When all of a sudden I heard him hoop at me from the back porch. I stopped the mower and turned it off. When I looked up at him I may as well have been looking into the eyes of the Lion above. "Why don't you slow that damned thing down and give the blade a chance to actually CUT the grass?!?"
My Dad used curse words in front of me maybe 6 times in my whole life.
Today I own my Own lawn mower and have my Own grass that can be cut however I want to cut it, and yet if I push that throttle up past 3rd gear I cringe and anticipate hearing my Dad's voice frustrated with me again.
But then the same eyes as above, can be the entire source of courage for me as I head to the free throw line in a basketball game. I was TERRIBLE at free throws. It wasn't my ability - it was my mind. But I remember looking at him in the crowd - him wearing almost the same expression as that lawn mower day and I got complete reassurance.
Then there was the night I was desperately trying to convince him that I NEEDED to have my curfew be way later than midnight. I plead my case, but when he gave me that eye and said "Young Lady - you and I both know there is nothing out there to be done after midnight that isn't either illegal or immoral and there isn't a good enough argument to get me to agree to you doing all that!" I had no rebuttal. He knew - and I couldn't deny it.
The day he walked me down the aisle. He had my hand curled around his bicep - his other hand covering mine. "Are you ready sugar?" Oh I so wish I would have walked slower, looked him in the eye a little longer. It was love, courage, protection all wrapped into one stare.
Then there was the day I looked down upon him as they wheeled him away on a stretcher for brain surgery. He was weak and it was risky. The urgency in those same eyes at that moment - I mean I have no PROOF of what he was trying to say to me -- But I know. When he said I love you. It might have been the only word he said verbally, but I heard a lot more.
There were a lot of ways my dad and I communicated. But I remember those eyes. There is a lot of ways I communicate with the Lord - but there is One way that is unmistakeable. God the Father getting a word to me and it is emphasized, highlighted if you will.
You may not have had an earthly father involved in your life, but chances are there was Someone. Someone who could get your attention quicker than anyone else. All of life here on earth is set to be a road map, an example, or a role model if you will for lessons and or relationship with Him.
Search the relationships with those around you - ask the Lord to speak to you, what relationship is He using to teach you the most about Him right now? Your best friend? Your boss? Your parent ? Maybe it's your spouse or your child? Ask to see special things that you may be missing right now! What attributes of God are being displayed in your life by those who are given to you for refinement?
Blessings for today ya'll
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