Friday, August 7, 2015

Product Reviews

Those of us with big families know that sometimes when you're purchasing something it's going to get one good use and that's about all you're hoping from said investment!  However, there are other times when you would like for something to surprise you .... just occasionally!  Last longer than one use or even a month and it will be fantastic!

I'm going to highlight a particular purchase I made recently to let you know there ARE products out there that will hold up, store owners and vendors that care about their work.

A Couple Months ago I purchased a key fob on Etsy. Yes I chose the font and the fabric but I guess I have a fantasy complex thinking if it is fabulous in my head it will be in real life as well.  The store owner created a sub-par product. paper thin ... personalization hard to read ... and held up for about a hot minute.  In case you can't make it out it says Girlsx5.

I decided to give it one more try. I went back to Etsy and picked what I thought looked like a more sturdy material by description and pictures.  Added personalization.  Low and behold I received a message stating.  "The G in this font looks a little funky.  I wanted to have you proof it just to be sure it's what you wanted.  I have included a couple samples in the color you want done in different fonts.  Let me know which ones you like best."

I chose the top one and a few days later received this beauty in the mail box.  

 It is super sturdy - fits around my wrist and she took the time to be sure I had what I wanted.  I highly recommend Tiffany at modthirteen  (click the word - link should be attached!) Etsy shop if you have anything that you would like to have created and personalized!    Here's to you Tiffany ... Applause and whistles and cheers for a job well done!

And yes ... clearly, my 7 year old picks my keys! :)

Blessings for today ya'll!

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