Here's what I really really hate about the title of this blog and the atmosphere in the United States.
That's it in a nutshell ... the vs. .... the fighting ... the name calling ... the badgering.... Do not assume that this is all coming against one side or the other. I hate what both "sides" have done to each other!
I have 4 grown daughters and was a youth leader at our local church for 12 years. I have held a lot of girls over the years weeping because they thought they were pregnant (or they really were pregnant) in an unplanned or horrible situation. I absolutely cannot stand the condemnation that well meaning believers throw onto these girls. Equally disgusting is the opposing side chanting how "easy" it is to "get rid" of the 'problem'. No big deal, one appointment and your problems are over! Both extremes are ridiculously uninformed and unrealistic.
I will not get into the "scientific facts" or the debate about when life begins. I Know when life begins for me. But to be honest, Life Begins at conception for me because of what God has done for me and because of the things that we have said to each other regarding this topic. However, it is just a plain fact that not everyone chooses to defer to God or to believe in Him for that matter. It's the gift of free will he gave us!
A large section of women/girls who have had this procedure performed though were not the atheist with hatred in their heart for God. Most of them are terrified. At one point I had a young girl that I knew better than some others from my church come in and crawl up on my bed and weep. She said "But things are so terrible and mean since finding out I was pregnant. If I give birth to this baby then I have to deal with him (the dad) the rest of my life every single day!! If this baby weren't born I know it is wrong but it is a final end to the relationship. I never have to deal with the abuse nor the person ever again! It can just be a final end to the horror."
I can feel the heartbeat of both sides ramping up right now to validate their 'side' of this argument and the emotions come so fast and thick that here's what gets lost. The girl. Honestly, - Physically I think I sat still while talking to her but my mind and my heart and my spirit were turning somersaults. Because if I jump on the evangelical "THAT's NOT TRUE" bandwagon I immediately lose credibility with the frightened girl, and I was SO mad at the enemy that there was even a sliver of truth in what she was saying. Fact: with a child she DOES have to deal with the dad every single day for the rest of her life. Fact: if the child was not born she will have tremendous emotional wounds that she has to deal with. However, keep in mind what she said.... 'things are so terrible and mean'. She has already been in a horrible abusive relationship. Making the child be born isn't going to mean she doesn't already have terrible emotional trauma to deal with. She doesn't see how it could be any harder than what she has to deal with right here and now.
I have only watched one of the "Planned Parenthood videos" and I don't care what side you are on. The moment they reach into a tray and hold up an arm with tiny little fingers with a pair of tweezers it is a little unnerving. I cannot remember any of the words they were saying on the video because I just kept thinking "Oh My Gosh No"
But here's the deal. It can send me to tears in my home on my couch thinking of and looking at something like that. But when I'm dealing with a young lady considering it or having walked through it. My reaction had better be love! When Jesus addressed the lady taken in adultery after saving her from being stoned by a mob of self-righteous religious leaders, he Didn't say "WELL!! If YOU hadn't been out there sleeping around in Fornication! This wouldn't have happened to you in the first place! You have to make better choices you loose woman you!!" I literally do not think there's any way to read the words of that passage with condemnation. Neither do I condemn you, Go and sin no more. He didn't launch into what terrible choices she had made. He didn't stand on the street corner with posters saying GOD HATES Adulterers!! Come on Really?!? How can you think that is ever going to reach anyone?
I have some friends in and out of the church who have had abortions. I have some very precious girls in my life who have had abortions and some who have considered abortions but now have beautiful babies and a very difficult path co-parenting. I even have a daughter that had a child outside of marriage and has had to walk through the challenges of co-parenting with a young man she is no longer involved with. It is a difficult situation in the BEST of circumstances, but it can be downright torture in the worst of circumstances. So beating them over the head with their 'loose morals' is really not that productive when trying to help them make progress in their life going forward. Sure there's a time for that kind of "How did we get here and how can we make sure we don't revisit it again" talk but first of all you have to have relationship - you have to have earned the right to say the hard thing to someone. Believer or not - you have to have relationship. This world where people stand on either side of the conflict and hurl hate at one another is ridiculous.
There have been times I have spoken in a moment of passion that really hurt some of my loved ones who deal with abortion in their background or their family's background. And I honestly take a look at myself and fix whatever was wrong (carelessness, or being naive to her pain) without changing my conviction. That's what I'm hoping. Could the extremists from both sides pull in closer together and be more about loving the people involved instead of loving your agenda??
While my blog is more of a rant without definite solution. I just would like a world where both sides can say "How Great Is Our God" that He can take two microscopic nothings and create a Human through different stages of development and give praise where it is due without having to argue over which picture constitutes the beginning of life. For just a moment, to just have everyone acknowledge that God is the author of life without nitpicking our agendas.
The musings of a Mama who has enjoyed, endured, and existed in the lifestyle of raising 5 daughters.
Friday, October 30, 2015
Thursday, October 22, 2015
I Hate My Thighs ... and other Negative Body Self Image Issues
I Hate My Thighs! Oh - it could be your ears, maybe they stick out too far, or your nose - maybe it's too big, or your toes - nothin' worse than funny lookin' toes right? Whether it's your height, or lack thereof - your hair and all it's frizziness, or rebellion to holding any style ever we all have something we're insecure about - heck I had a few things I was always insecure about! I hated the gap in my two front teeth for years. I hated and yet I loved my hips and thighs. I loved that I was strong and I loved the muscular look but you put me up against a girl with a "gap" in her thighs then I hated myself again. Girls are awful about body shaming! But they don't hold a candle to women.
Did you read that? Adult women are worse at body shaming themselves and others than young girls going through puberty. Shame on us. Period. Because those young girls going through puberty are listening to everything we (and everyone else) say about our bodies and the bodies of those around us. When my girls were babies and growing up I never owned a scale. This is a foreign concept to a Lot of people. But one of my girls said to me one time "I think one of the best things you ever did for us was to not have a scale in the house. I remember watching "Freida" throw up in the bathroom every day after lunch, and other girls sit and cry during recess because they weighed too much in 5th grade and they were tormented by it all." I didn't own a scale because at some point every woman steps on a scale and looks down to see this.
We do it to ourselves mostly. Sure we all get "bullied" by others at some point. Some of us get bullied repeatedly, others don't. But we ALL have bullied ourselves. Don't believe me? How many of you have read an article like this - and fretted just a little over how far off from what you perceive to be the goal?
Did you read that? Adult women are worse at body shaming themselves and others than young girls going through puberty. Shame on us. Period. Because those young girls going through puberty are listening to everything we (and everyone else) say about our bodies and the bodies of those around us. When my girls were babies and growing up I never owned a scale. This is a foreign concept to a Lot of people. But one of my girls said to me one time "I think one of the best things you ever did for us was to not have a scale in the house. I remember watching "Freida" throw up in the bathroom every day after lunch, and other girls sit and cry during recess because they weighed too much in 5th grade and they were tormented by it all." I didn't own a scale because at some point every woman steps on a scale and looks down to see this.
We do it to ourselves mostly. Sure we all get "bullied" by others at some point. Some of us get bullied repeatedly, others don't. But we ALL have bullied ourselves. Don't believe me? How many of you have read an article like this - and fretted just a little over how far off from what you perceive to be the goal?
We all fret for many reasons - what will the other ladies/girls think of me? I know they're making fun of me in this outfit - someone with MY body shape shouldn't wear skinny jeans (or whatever outfit you're in right now).
Until the last maybe 5 years having a big derriere or lower half in general was embarrassing. All of the girls wanted the picture below. That body where your thighs don't touch. My thighs were always pretty much the same size. Whether muscular or flabby they measured the same so I always tried to keep them muscled up. I mean I was proud of strength and toned up legs but then a girl like below would walk by and I was right back to The Land of Misfit Toys with my self image again.
My husband doesn't like the "thigh gap" body. Told me as such back in high school even. He told me that the skinny legs are a big turn off for him. When we would see a woman with skinny legs and I would remark on this he would say "Ya and look - it looks like her leg could snap in two on any given step - it's gross!" I mean I Wanted to believe him but there was so much propaganda on the other side from media to magazines to conversations with friends that it just always stayed with me. We had a neighbor move in probably 17 years ago or so right next door. Not only did this gal have skinny legs - they were long - and so was her blonde hair. I HATED seeing her go out for a walk somewhere. I mean really - couldn't she just stay on her couch?? When you walk out your front door honey - can you just get into your car and drive to the gym - that place I avoid where all you skinny legged people are running on treadmills and lamenting about how "fat" you are???
We were driving down the street one time and she was walking somewhere (again unnecessary exercise right?!?) I said "I know you say you don't like that body type but I sure would like to know the 'burden' of those legs." with a giggle. He looked at me (very UNamused) and said "ya well when her leg snaps in two and she can't make it home YOU get to go pick her up and carry her for help. One of our girls could probably do that. It's too skinny Heather." I decided that day that I would not make comments to him about it anymore but it was still my internal battle.
Years later (remember I've had 5 children and could really stand to lose a significant amount of weight). I had said something about not dieting but watching the type of food I used for intake. I had been making a good run at it as well. Was down about 10 lbs and feeling good. My husband called and said "I have a surprise for you!" But wouldn't say what it was. Ladies - when he got home I swear to goodness he walked through that door with a big smile on his face thinking he had done the BEST thing in the world. He handed me a white square box. I instantly recognized this box - the kind that comes from some type of bakery. "I drove by an Amish Bakery today and pulled over to buy you your favorite!! Pecan Pie from the Amish!"
Okay come on, can I get an Amen from the big girl club here? We all know I'm about to eat more than one piece of that stinking pie before it's all gone. A WHOLE PIE?!? Do they not sell them by the slice? Good Grief! But I looked up into his face and that was the last day I worried about my body. My husband loved me and here's the thing ladies and girls beginning a life of self-doubt. God created him with that desire and that set of criteria. He doesn't find skinny legs and a thigh gap attractive because God created him to be attracted to everything about me.
Of course I'm not advocating to run off in the ditch here and eat pecan pie weekly. There's an extreme to all of these issues and neither ditch is productive. I'm currently back to watching what I eat and trying to figure out an exercise program right for my body because I refuse to spend any more time at my age killing myself in a gym doing the exercises Thigh Gap girl does when it really won't reshape my body much. I'm back to worrying about toning myself up instead of cutting myself in half. I have a weight in mind where I felt the best. According to the government guidelines that weight puts me borderline obese still but I know where I felt the best. I've been way too skinny for my body type and right now I'm way too heavy for my body type. But What I know is that if our men don't see the imperfections we feel are such a burden - why do we? I'm challenging you to find a weight for your body type and your age that makes you feel good. Not look like a magazine - Not "BEACH READY" or any of the other ridiculous unattainable things we measure ourselves by.
There are men created for each of us who really Do prefer your funny looking toes or your big ears or the gap in your teeth because the rest of you is attractive. They're looking for loyalty and commitment and respect. They aren't looking for a Kardashian or Victoria Secret model. And if your man has told you he loves the way you were created - why don't you?
Young girls - teenagers .... If you are fervently hoping for the attention of a man who constantly is attracted to the opposite of your body type you need to look at WHY you want him. If he gives you attention will you just be using it to validate your insecurities? Wish him and thigh gap girl well and lift up your face. The man God created for you is probably waiting on you to notice he's there!
Blessings for Today ya'll - We need 'em every day!
P.S. Just a little bonus here ... Never -- EVER -- Ever in eternity should you Google pictures for "funny looking toes". While trying to find pictures for this blog that was one of the pictures I thought would be funny. NOT funny! Not even a little bit. People - you won't sleep for a week. For the Love of God - Don't do it!!!
Sunday, October 18, 2015
was reflecting on Heritage today at church.
I have a heritage of so many different things from the people in my
life. My Mom is a master at meals and
hospitality, but even when there weren’t any guests she made Us her guests. I remember many times as a child watching
movies and even when the movie had already started (there weren’t pause buttons
then) – she would be in the kitchen making popcorn (on the stove) and chocolate
malts in the blender. I honestly don’t
know How many times she did this but I guess she only had to do it once for me
to remember that she sacrificed her viewing of the movie to take care of us.
today, I was thinking about my relationship with the Lord. I am not a great “Studier of the Word”. I mean I want to be and I Do read my bible
and devotionals and such but when I hear other people talk I think to myself “You’re
terrible! You’ve got to knuckle down and
get in there and figure out how to knock out Hours at this thing if you want to
be a “good child”!” I am however, good at just spending time with
the Lord. I can focus on Him when I’m
doing dishes or driving or working in the yard, or folding clothes (yep LOTS of
time focusing on Him here).
during the men’s prayer I think God reminded me of stuff in my childhood to
show me WHY I’m good at that. My family
life revolved around the family table growing up. There are so so many blogs that could and
probably will come from that, but my family table sat positioned right next to
this BIG picture window. This was my Dad’s
seat. While eating, he had his back to
the window, but I have equal if not more memories of his chair turned sideways
with his left hand on his iced water, or coffee and his other arm resting on
the window sill. Again, I can’t tell you
HOW many times this happened but I know it was a bunch. He would say “Sugar Look here!” and point out the window. We lived on hundreds of acres of empty farm land. Flat farm land that had a view for miles. He would spot a fox or stray cat… wild deer
or turkey… or maybe even just a beautiful bird.
I would run to his lap and he would point and we would search the
landscape and watch the wildlife as one.
There really wasn’t ever a Lot of talking. A phrase here or there maybe, but mostly we
were just looking as one at the same thing at the same time. Sometimes he would ask me a question,
sometimes he would tell me something but mostly we just were together focused
on the view ahead. I didn’t look at him –
I looked ahead, but his presence was obvious and guided the moment.
during the men’s prayer God took me back to that and reminded me of the many
hours I’ve done the same with Him.
Really, there’s probably no way to make it make sense in written
text. I just sit and I am at one with
God, we fold laundry or we mow the yard or we feed the horses. Sometimes He
asks me a question, sometimes He tells me something but mostly we just look
ahead and His presence guides the moment. I may not divide the Bible and study
Latin and run my Strong’s Concordance until pages fall out, and while I Do read
the word, I think today He told me it’s okay.
He gave me the heritage that He did because He wants me this way. One with Him guiding the moment. I’m not going to feel inferior about that any
more. I’m right there – on my Father’s
lap looking out the picture window, right where I should be.
Thursday, October 15, 2015
Co-Sleeping Question Everyone Whispers
** If you're my child you probably won't want to read this yet. ***
My first 3 children were strict crib sleepers. I would hold them to go to sleep and then put them in their crib. If they woke in the middle of the night I repeated the actions. I'm not sure why except that as a Young parent I tried to do a lot of things the way I felt the older generation thought I SHOULD do them. I was in the grocery store with my oldest at 13 months and she had a bottle. An older lady approached me and asked how old she was and then proceeded to act like I was the most scandalous woman she had ever met! "Babies should be long done with the bottle by 12 months!! Why are you still letting her have one? Is she not CAPABLE of drinking from a cup?" I went home that day and threw away every bottle in the house and worried that my child's development had been stunted from the extra month of bottle use. Today if that lady would approach me I probably would reach out and to keep from strangling her I would pat her on the head and say "Well YOU must be a breath of fresh air to live with!!" And stick the bottle in my baby's mouth and move on. Who knows maybe I would stick the bottle in MY mouth and move on. When I got delivered from peer pressure I was Really delivered from it.
Our last two children were co-sleepers. My fourth daughter was emotionally capable of sleeping in her own bed and did occasionally. But at that time my husband worked midnights. Who did it hurt if she slept with me 5 nights a week? The two nights he was home ... I either made a big deal about "spending the night" with one of her sisters, or she camped out in the living room under a blanket fort, or she slept in her own bed .... or she slept with us. My baby has carried a lot of fear and some nightmares. She COULD not be alone - ever. She slept with us or occasionally one of her sisters every single night until the week before she turned 8!!! (This was just recently by-the-way)
When I am asked about co-sleeping 70% of the question is not about whether it is good for the child really. 70% of the questions really focus more on whether it is good for the marriage. Especially from believers, who for some reason are afraid to ask the question out loud - here's the real question. "Will my marriage suffer? My husband says we will never ... Um be intimate again if I let the baby sleep with us?! Will my husband cheat on me because we co-sleep with our babies?"
When we conceived our 5th child - our 4th was still co-sleeping with us some ... not as much but still pretty consistently. My oldest was starting her senior year in high school and had certainly developed her own "ideas" regarding sex and even the marriage bed. On her first day of college at her softball team meeting they had to go around the room and tell about themselves. Shana starts out with the fact that she is the oldest of 5 girls. Her baby sister is 1. "This means that my parents still "DO IT" and that's pretty awkward."
Wait child - you said what??? Sheeeshhhh!? Can you imagine what everyone must have been thinking when they met us?! Holy Cow!
Ladies, here's the short answer to the questions you whisper to me after we discuss the pros and cons to the child regarding co-sleeping. Your marriage will not suffer if you don't let it. You will still be able to take care of your husband if you get your mind out of the rut that the marriage "bed" is the only place you can be intimate. There's the closet .... the garage ...the master bathroom ... the office ...(because I know my children and every single one of them read this anyway and at this point are horrified I'll only add one more) there's even outside. Do NOT - I repeat -- Do NOT become an indecent burden for your neighbors or children and claim Heather told you to! Indecent exposure charges are NOT what I'm advocating here! What I'm advocating is to love your children AND your husband. Reach out to him - show him that just because your bed is a place of comfort and safety to your children, it doesn't mean that you will be unable to show him you desire him and his affection again until the child moves into junior high and her own bed! Your husband Needs to see you making an effort to reach out for him. If he sees nothing wrong with co-sleeping but worries about you being available anymore, you need to commit to him that you will put him first. When the children are asleep in your bed and your husband feels put on the back burner - leave the sleeping child there and grab him by the hand and take him somewhere to reassure him he is the first precious thing after God in your life.
Now this is a pretty scandalous and brave proclamation in the church, I get that, but just because we all agree modesty is honorable, does not mean that we are not woman - created by God to bring Him glory - and placed by God to be the help mate, friend, supporter , and yes lover of our husband.
So ya! To answer your question- you Can still have a good marriage if you co-sleep with your babies! Your husband is only going to cheat on you if it is in him to do so! You neglecting his needs might be the excuse he needs to rush to this action but a man will not cheat unless it's in him to do so. Finally, your marriage will only suffer if you don't make it a priority to be there for each other - mentally, spiritually, emotionally, AND physically!
P.S. All of these pictures were taken BY my husband because he saw these moments as precious not threatening to his needs. No it isn't ALL your responsibility, but the home is greatly steered my the mood and attitude of Mama "If Mama ain't happy..." We'll get happy Mama -- and get a little creative as well!
Blessings for today ya'll - we need 'em every day.
Blessings for today ya'll - we need 'em every day.
**** the thoughts and opinions expressed in this blog are not necessarily those of the friends or family she has or the church she may attend, the town she lives in, nor the state in which she resides. All parties are to not be held liable for the opinions expressed within 😜
Tuesday, October 13, 2015
Little League Sports
Well, - you HAD to know it was coming eventually!
I'm an athletic person. I had a SLIVER of a volleyball and even smaller music scholarship offered to me (they were probably desperate in the 80's I understand that ... Nevertheless!!) I have 5 children. 4 of them have done it all ... Basketball, Soccer, Cheerleading, JO Volleyball, and softball. In Today's world you have to pick your sport early on because it consumes SO much of your time.
There are no words for the memories, friendships, vacations, wins, and even the painful loss memories that this lifestyle provided. All of it is precious! My girls loved it. It became WHO the Westovers were. Yes we were believers but in the Bible Belt I think everyone just tacks that status onto you before that first handshake even, because it's expected of you here in the south. If people thought of us I THINK (Hope) the 2 adjectives that they would have instantly said when describing us would have been -- Believers and Athletes.
I have had 2 children decide to pursue athletics into college and 2 that decided they Loved sports, but were going to commit to other fields in their life. Because I have had 2 children go to college on scholarships some will say I'm not qualified to say what I'm saying. Hopefully, some of you will realize that Because I had 2 children go to college on athletic scholarships I actually deserve the respect of a degree-holding professional when it comes to Moms of Athletes.

Before we get started, I do not know the lady who made this post. Most likely, she is a wonderful giving and balanced Mom who is trying to express the urgency of the situation to coax someone to volunteer to coach and I'm going to just believe that - and I don't need to know any different. But when I read her words, I remembered similar statements by thousands of people over 20+ years of being involved in Booster Club sports. Sadly, and to my shame a few of these statements were dangerously close to what came out of my mouth on occasion.
Today, on social media I read these words.
Is there anyone willing to be a second grade basketball coach that has the time? I got an email saying that if they don't get some more coaches they are going to refund some of the players money which means some of these kids won't get to play. My child is signed up to play and would be devastated if this happened. He has been wanting to play since he first held a basketball.
Now - if you know her - don't try to start an online war between her and I. I don't care where she falls in the good mom/bad mom spectrum. I believe her when she says those things. But when I read those words I remembered so many other statements over the years and thought to myself. God help us here in America! What are we doing to our kids!? Just to make it to college on a softball scholarship, my girls were in the 1.5% of all HIGH SCHOOL softball players. People did you hear that??? Check out this link. The percentage of kids that play high school ball from all of the kids that played in 2nd grade is probably not even 1%! So When I hear statements like "Devastated" and "wanted to play since he first held a basketball", I think of millions of kids who may or may not have had hopes so high that they carry personal insecurity problems if they didn't make it! Or maybe they grew up hearing from mom and dad that it's always someone else's fault. The coach didn't give her enough chances! That coach is an idiot! Those refs suck! Home Cookin'!!!! And better yet, maybe her dad gets in a fist fight at a college showcase tournament and the video goes viral on social media and all of the major news stations pick it up.
Here's the awful truth. College Athletics aren't everything you think they are. One of my girls was on a team that was #1 in the nation for a while (that is awesome and what a ride). However, once their career was over and they looked back on it, more than one of her teammates have said to me. "I stopped Loving the game the day it became my job."
Passing college is hard. College Athletes have to show up most times at 6am for weights. Go to class at 8am. My current daughter HAS to fit all available classes into a certain time-frame. This means that the meal plan I purchased her???? Well it isn't the value we thought when buying it because the cafeteria closes in the afternoon before she gets out of class. When it reopens, she's in practice .... until 7pm. With Many hours of practice per day and even on the weekends, plus community service projects they try to do, my girls very rarely are able to make it home. There is ZERO time to work and earn any money ... No not even in the off season. Now they are stuck several hours away from home, broke, hungry, frustrated, possibly needing a study group or partner (but one that can study around practice and game schedules) homesick, and they don't have the luxury of finding friends with similar interests and quirks because they HAVE to find a best friend within the team - your teammates are the only ones who have free time the Same time you do!! I wonder is that what we have in mind when we are yelling at referees, slandering coaches who volunteer their time, and telling our kids they're "the best"?
Yes I know you're going to be tempted to call my a hypocrite when I'm posting pictures during the season all smiles and celebrating victories and heaven help your social media feed if they were to make it to the National Championship!!! But having seen the most wonderful and the most disappointing of both sides of this ..... should we really begin "devastated" and "her WHOLE life" kind of statements when they are in T-Ball?? Because that's where these comments start honestly.
My first daughter? She has a wonderful mind for learning, Broadway plays, tea in fancy china, and a yearning for exploring the world - by foot if necessary. She is driven, intelligent, loyal, and capable of probably just about anything. My fourth daughter (the 2 athletes I'm writing about) ..... this girl is a fantastic fisherman (will even go fishing by herself!), she is compassionate towards all animals, willing to help and volunteer. If we wouldn't have chased softball, I'm guessing she would have been her Dad's shadow and entered all kinds of fishing tournaments, and probably competed in archery and marksmanship competitions. She's brave and funny, and would have made a great barrel racer or even been completely capable of running her own ranch. If a Rancher came along wanting to marry her? He would have to be a natural ranching genius to match her desires and willingness to learn in these areas. I wonder where they would be if we had pursued Any of their other interests at some point?
Oh ... one last thing??? IF we would have saved every penny we spent on softball and other booster club athletics right down to the last bag of sunflower seeds? We could have paid for college in cash AND had enough money left over to buy her a ranch when she was done. sigh ... hind sight and all ya'll.
Blessings for today ya'll ... we need them every day!
I'm an athletic person. I had a SLIVER of a volleyball and even smaller music scholarship offered to me (they were probably desperate in the 80's I understand that ... Nevertheless!!) I have 5 children. 4 of them have done it all ... Basketball, Soccer, Cheerleading, JO Volleyball, and softball. In Today's world you have to pick your sport early on because it consumes SO much of your time.
There are no words for the memories, friendships, vacations, wins, and even the painful loss memories that this lifestyle provided. All of it is precious! My girls loved it. It became WHO the Westovers were. Yes we were believers but in the Bible Belt I think everyone just tacks that status onto you before that first handshake even, because it's expected of you here in the south. If people thought of us I THINK (Hope) the 2 adjectives that they would have instantly said when describing us would have been -- Believers and Athletes.
I have had 2 children decide to pursue athletics into college and 2 that decided they Loved sports, but were going to commit to other fields in their life. Because I have had 2 children go to college on scholarships some will say I'm not qualified to say what I'm saying. Hopefully, some of you will realize that Because I had 2 children go to college on athletic scholarships I actually deserve the respect of a degree-holding professional when it comes to Moms of Athletes.

Before we get started, I do not know the lady who made this post. Most likely, she is a wonderful giving and balanced Mom who is trying to express the urgency of the situation to coax someone to volunteer to coach and I'm going to just believe that - and I don't need to know any different. But when I read her words, I remembered similar statements by thousands of people over 20+ years of being involved in Booster Club sports. Sadly, and to my shame a few of these statements were dangerously close to what came out of my mouth on occasion.
Today, on social media I read these words.
Is there anyone willing to be a second grade basketball coach that has the time? I got an email saying that if they don't get some more coaches they are going to refund some of the players money which means some of these kids won't get to play. My child is signed up to play and would be devastated if this happened. He has been wanting to play since he first held a basketball.
Now - if you know her - don't try to start an online war between her and I. I don't care where she falls in the good mom/bad mom spectrum. I believe her when she says those things. But when I read those words I remembered so many other statements over the years and thought to myself. God help us here in America! What are we doing to our kids!? Just to make it to college on a softball scholarship, my girls were in the 1.5% of all HIGH SCHOOL softball players. People did you hear that??? Check out this link. The percentage of kids that play high school ball from all of the kids that played in 2nd grade is probably not even 1%! So When I hear statements like "Devastated" and "wanted to play since he first held a basketball", I think of millions of kids who may or may not have had hopes so high that they carry personal insecurity problems if they didn't make it! Or maybe they grew up hearing from mom and dad that it's always someone else's fault. The coach didn't give her enough chances! That coach is an idiot! Those refs suck! Home Cookin'!!!! And better yet, maybe her dad gets in a fist fight at a college showcase tournament and the video goes viral on social media and all of the major news stations pick it up.
Here's the awful truth. College Athletics aren't everything you think they are. One of my girls was on a team that was #1 in the nation for a while (that is awesome and what a ride). However, once their career was over and they looked back on it, more than one of her teammates have said to me. "I stopped Loving the game the day it became my job."
Passing college is hard. College Athletes have to show up most times at 6am for weights. Go to class at 8am. My current daughter HAS to fit all available classes into a certain time-frame. This means that the meal plan I purchased her???? Well it isn't the value we thought when buying it because the cafeteria closes in the afternoon before she gets out of class. When it reopens, she's in practice .... until 7pm. With Many hours of practice per day and even on the weekends, plus community service projects they try to do, my girls very rarely are able to make it home. There is ZERO time to work and earn any money ... No not even in the off season. Now they are stuck several hours away from home, broke, hungry, frustrated, possibly needing a study group or partner (but one that can study around practice and game schedules) homesick, and they don't have the luxury of finding friends with similar interests and quirks because they HAVE to find a best friend within the team - your teammates are the only ones who have free time the Same time you do!! I wonder is that what we have in mind when we are yelling at referees, slandering coaches who volunteer their time, and telling our kids they're "the best"?
Yes I know you're going to be tempted to call my a hypocrite when I'm posting pictures during the season all smiles and celebrating victories and heaven help your social media feed if they were to make it to the National Championship!!! But having seen the most wonderful and the most disappointing of both sides of this ..... should we really begin "devastated" and "her WHOLE life" kind of statements when they are in T-Ball?? Because that's where these comments start honestly.
My first daughter? She has a wonderful mind for learning, Broadway plays, tea in fancy china, and a yearning for exploring the world - by foot if necessary. She is driven, intelligent, loyal, and capable of probably just about anything. My fourth daughter (the 2 athletes I'm writing about) ..... this girl is a fantastic fisherman (will even go fishing by herself!), she is compassionate towards all animals, willing to help and volunteer. If we wouldn't have chased softball, I'm guessing she would have been her Dad's shadow and entered all kinds of fishing tournaments, and probably competed in archery and marksmanship competitions. She's brave and funny, and would have made a great barrel racer or even been completely capable of running her own ranch. If a Rancher came along wanting to marry her? He would have to be a natural ranching genius to match her desires and willingness to learn in these areas. I wonder where they would be if we had pursued Any of their other interests at some point?
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My Oldest - Catching at a tournament in Florida for Chatt State |
My Fourth - I have more current pictures but this collage just makes me smile. |
Oh ... one last thing??? IF we would have saved every penny we spent on softball and other booster club athletics right down to the last bag of sunflower seeds? We could have paid for college in cash AND had enough money left over to buy her a ranch when she was done. sigh ... hind sight and all ya'll.
Blessings for today ya'll ... we need them every day!
Thursday, October 1, 2015
Only God Can Judge Me (Part 2)
Let me start by saying this -- If you didn't read part 1. I'm going to ask you not to read part 2. In part 1 I established that you have to have a relationship with someone to be able to call these things out in their life. By choosing to read this blog - you are acknowledging that I have enough of your interest or respect or whatever for you to keep reading. If you really enjoyed me coming down on the short-comings of the church, you are going to hate this one. This is where I'm at in my walk and I'm sure God will have to refine me over time. I'm so ashamed of Us (my attitude at times includes me on the receiving end of this post as well). Remember when I said I'm treating it like a shot gun? Here's the second barrel.
1. Saying there is no God, and Acting like there is no God carries the same consequences. It's self explanatory - think about it.
2 Choosing to continue to live daily in sin is no one else's fault. It's your choice. I hear so many groups wave the only God can judge me banner, and yet never are broken or try to be any better. They excuse this or blame them and never really look at their life. They continue to live as though they don't Really believe God will judge anyone! It's as though you think God will hug you and say "There- there you poor thing none of this is your fault!" Almost like you expect to be able to run over everyone - do whatever you want - throw fits - and never have anyone act like you're impossible. Like you are completely fine with letting everyone else suffer your consequences and keep vomiting "Only God Can Judge Me!" You remind me of Veruca Salt from Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory. Whether you acknowledge God or not - you are difficult for everyone to be around. .
3. The color Blue is still Blue whether you stomp your foot and disagree with it or not. God is still God. He is still there, He reigns sovereign He loves you so much he would die for you. But true love doesn't allow all destructive behavior. He would Not SEND you to Hell. He bought your ticket out of there. YOU are the one refusing to take a hold of it because it might cost you some kind of sacrifice. And then you yell "Only God Can Judge Me!' You tattoo it on your body - you put it on your Facebook with every vulgar word you can imagine, you live contrary to everything He stands for. He Is God and He WILL judge you along with All mankind. He will not be using another human to judge you by. He will be using the Bible you keep trying to carve like the Thanksgiving turkey and that Should give you some hesitation to your blatant disregard for the judgement you keep shouting about.
4. "God doesn't care. The Bible is outdated and He just wants me to be happy. "Larry" makes me happy. God doesn't want me stressed and worked up! Isaiah 29:11 is my promise to that! God wants me happy!" Wrong! If God only wants us happy then He owes Job an apology along with all of the apostles who were beheaded after his death. . Listen to me closely. God wants you Holy! Happy will be a product of the journey sometimes. But if you are refusing to learn the lesson and draw close to Him and only look to Him then He will use unhappiness, financial despair, emotional turmoil, whatever it takes to bring you back under his wing because THAT is the only place you're safe. Period. If THIS is your view of God - Prayer and the Christian walk you really need to sit down and spend some time with this Being you claim only wants you happy so you can discern who he really is and how well you really know him. Don't let the banging gong of this generation's feel-good religion trip you up. Don't assume it's always your birthday party and God is only there to produce every present you want.
5. Somewhere along the way We The Church have done a terrible job introducing others to God. Somewhere we decided that when we don't get our way we have the right to be mad. We say we trust Him and put everything in his hands. But at the first minute of an adulterous spouse, the death of a parent, or financial ruin, we immediately get mad at God and spend years living like the devil and wailing "Only God Can Judge Me"! Maybe that's it .. maybe we think the day of judgement will be something like a courtroom where you get to argue your case and change God's mind??? In any case I would say that America in general has this view of The Lord God Almighty. The author and finisher of our faith. The one who created the world(s) and the one who died for you. Knowing all of that - This is how we act like he is.
We can do better.
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