Thursday, October 1, 2015

Only God Can Judge Me (Part 2)

Let me start by saying this -- If you didn't read part 1.  I'm going to ask you not to read part 2.   In part 1 I established that you have to have a relationship with someone to be able to call these things out in their life.  By choosing to read this blog - you are acknowledging that I have enough of your interest or respect or whatever for you to keep reading.  If you really enjoyed me coming down on the short-comings of the church, you are going to hate this one. This is where I'm at in my walk and I'm sure God will have to refine me over time.  I'm so ashamed of Us (my attitude at times includes me on the receiving end of this post as well).  Remember when I said I'm treating it like a shot gun?  Here's the second barrel.

1. Saying there is no God, and Acting like there is no God carries the same consequences. It's self explanatory - think about it. 

2  Choosing  to continue to live daily in sin is no one else's fault.  It's  your choice.  I hear so many groups wave the only God can judge me banner, and yet never are broken or try to be any better. They excuse this or blame them and never really look at their life. They continue to live as though they don't Really believe God will judge anyone!   It's as though you think God will hug you and say "There- there you poor thing none of this is your fault!"   Almost like you expect to be able to run over everyone - do whatever you want - throw fits - and never have anyone act like you're impossible. Like you are completely fine with letting everyone else suffer your consequences and keep vomiting "Only God Can Judge Me!"   You remind me of Veruca Salt from Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory. Whether you acknowledge God or not - you are difficult for everyone to be around. .

3.  The color Blue is still Blue whether you stomp your foot and disagree with it or not.  God is still God.  He is still there, He reigns sovereign He loves you so much he would die for you.  But true love doesn't allow all destructive behavior.  He would Not SEND you to Hell.  He bought your ticket out of there.  YOU are the one refusing to take a hold of it because it might cost you some kind of sacrifice. And then you yell "Only God Can Judge Me!'  You tattoo it on your body - you put it on your Facebook with every vulgar word you can imagine, you live contrary to everything He stands for. He Is God and He WILL judge you along with All mankind.  He will not be using another human to judge you by.  He will be using the Bible you keep trying to carve like the Thanksgiving turkey and that Should give you some hesitation to your blatant disregard for the judgement you keep shouting about. 

4.  "God doesn't care.  The Bible is outdated and He just wants me to be happy.  "Larry" makes me happy.  God doesn't want me stressed and worked up!  Isaiah 29:11 is my promise to that!  God wants me happy!"    Wrong!  If God only wants us happy then He owes Job an apology along with all of the apostles who were beheaded after his death. . Listen to me closely.  God wants you Holy!  Happy will be a product of the journey sometimes.  But if you are refusing to learn the lesson and draw close to Him and only look to Him then He will use unhappiness, financial despair, emotional turmoil, whatever it takes to bring you back under his wing because THAT is the only place you're safe.  Period.  If THIS is your view of God - Prayer  and the Christian walk you really need to sit down and spend some time with this Being you claim only wants you happy so you can discern who he really is and how well you really know him. Don't let the banging gong of this generation's feel-good religion trip you up.  Don't assume it's always your birthday party and God is only there to produce every present you want.  

5.  Somewhere along the way We The Church have done a terrible job introducing others to God.  Somewhere we decided that when we don't get our way we have the right to be mad. We say we trust Him and put everything in his hands.  But at the first minute of an adulterous spouse, the death of a parent, or financial ruin, we immediately get mad at God and spend years living like the devil and wailing "Only God Can Judge Me"!  Maybe that's it .. maybe we think the day of judgement will be something like a courtroom where you get to argue your case and change God's mind??? In any case I would say that America in general has this view of The Lord God Almighty.  The author and finisher of our faith.  The one who created the world(s) and the one who died for you.  Knowing all of that - This is how we act like he is. 

We can do better.  

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