Sunday, September 6, 2015

Nashville's Newest Star

Well that's it - we've dropped her off, I can't imagine why her new employer wants such a little bit for a new employee... What's that you say? She is in  her  20's?? That's funny, because no matter how many times I blinked, this is what my eyes saw when we drove away. 
When my kids were little I couldn't wait to see what they would be when they grew up, but now all I can see is what they were.  

I have cried so many tears over the last few weeks. So many well meaning people have told me to just "let them go."  Well, what makes you think I'm not willing?! The grieving of my family unit not being the same ever again doesn't mean I wish to hold them back. The presence of tears doesn't mean I won't let go, it means I have let go and am processing the sorrow of missing them so I can Rejoice in the success of their dreams. 

When people walk through something, please know that what you think you see may not actually be what you assume. . Your words of "advice" without experience are delivered with good intentions but really serve more as a burden to the intended.  If you want to help, bring a tub of ice cream and 2 spoons.  Sit with me while I grieve, because tomorrow you will be the first to be invited to a celebration of their successes! My kids are fantastic and there will be reason to celebrate in the morning! 

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