Friday, September 4, 2015

Small Town America - Santa Lives Here!!

I love living in a small town.  Okay ... I actually live in the country now but I work in a REALLY small town.  The back roads I take to work?  They're only paved in spots lots of gravel, cattle guards, cattle roaming freely back and forth across the road, standing IN the road, and Maybe - Just maybe they will decide to move when you come up on them.  Road Rage takes on a whole new danger when you make one of Them angry! WHEW!

There are still some times however, that the small town can leave me speechless.  I'm never brave enough to take the picture but I got some from other people who actually took them and can prove my story!!

One day recently (the last week of AUGUST)  I was going to the post office and as I turned the corner, SANTA CLAUS stepped out onto the steps of this little house (let me qualify that by saying - if you live in a metropolis, you would not consider what I'm talking about as a house.  Sometimes in the South we are quite happy taking a couple storage sheds and sealing them together with tar or something sticky and parking a trailer next to it and connecting them all with plywood.  It's home and we are happy - don't knock it).  Full red coat, white beard to his chest, and black boots.  He stared at me as though it was the most normal thing ever.  As I turned the corner, with my mouth open wide I'm sure, Santa stared at me expressionless, raised his arm, saluted me, spun on his heel and went back inside.  As I continued my trip to the post office I wondered if I had just hallucinated that event maybe?  I posted it on FB and a friend posted this picture in the comments!  I'm not crazy!  Santa lives in a little house on the corner in Avant!

Today while on my drive to work - remember back roads and cows like this .... 

I come up on a very surreal situation, I'm going to use as many adjectives as I can so you can get a full picture.  Remember I love my country life and the people who make it almost indescribable but ya'll seriously ....
I come up the road to see a car - something like a PT Cruiser - not totally uncommon, but especially on the back roads Most of the vehicles you see are lifted and 4-wheel drive.  Beside this PT Cruiser stands a very skinny, pasty white young man.  He is barefoot, not wearing a shirt either, long stringy hair --- (there are some men who grow beautiful flowing locks that women are jealous over - not one woman is jealous here ... not one), his facial hair, however is so full there may be some men jealous of his ability to grow a beard.  Remember he is very skinny so the only clothing he has on, -- his shorts -- are cinched up tight with a belt.  There he stands in all his glory in the Oklahoma morning sun, so white I'm worried about a sunburn for him at 8am here, almost naked except his cargo shorts, eyes closed, hands folded as if in prayer at his chest and balancing on one foot in a very recognizable yoga pose!?!?

So there you go!  Here in the back woods of Oklahoma America we're getting civilized!  Santa lives here in the off-season, and the locals are bringing yoga to a cow pasture near you!!  Happy Friday everyone! 

Blessings for today ya'll -- we need them every day! 


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