Let me start with the most important one - I cannot die without God's permission. I have said this many times and I have not gotten a Word from Him not to go. So if I really believe that then staying home just acts upon fear that isn't from Him.
Likewise, I cannot live without his permission. If I stay home and it is my appointed time to meet Jesus it will still happen somehow.
"You know they are threatening an attack in Time Square --- what if it happens in front of you. What will you do?"
I will use all of my SD Farm Girl and Oklahoma woman of strength abilities to act like the child of God I am and just ... Deal with it.
I am mindful that I am going there For Him. I am praying that no weapon formed against the singing of His Word will prosper. That in a secular, beautiful, historic building like Carnegie Hall, we will sing to believers and unbelievers alike and someone will have the stirrings of a spirit awakened.
One person asked me if I would act differently because I have children. Will I be more cautious in the face of an attacker or hostage situation like what happened in Mali today. The answer is yes and no. All of my kids and grandkids are always on my mind, but I would rather Piper know that I died Not denying Jesus than I would have her knowing I lived by rejecting him.
My husband sat me down and looked me in the eye and said "You're still going because we are not going to live in fear. However, I need you to be aware of where you are ... Where are the exits ... " and he covered a few other things. My brother has always tried to show me self defense skills and they are front and center in my mind. My mom told me not to stay home but be careful. My kids have one by one just said 'I Love You - have a good time!" And my little sister just said "I'll be praying extra hard and I love you!"
The only people who have suggested I shouldn't go are friends and acquaintances who are only caught up in the moment and would probably not have said that if they were giving themselves more time to think it through.
You see, Timothy McVey taught me in April 1996 that insanity doesn't happen just in foreigners or Muslims. Denver taught me that insanity can walk into a movie theatre and reign fear and chaos, and Columbine taught me that going to school every day isn't necessarily a sanctuary like it was in the 1980's. And 9-11 taught me that the enemies of America - the West - and Christians are relentless and there will never be a day where there is zero risk. None of this means I should stay home and never leave my house.
I'm praying that God fall heavily on me with discernment and if I need to get out of a certain situation that He scream audibly in my ear to Run! Sometimes I can get caught up in enjoying a moment and He may need to be very loud and direct to get me out of there. 😊
Why would I stay home from a chance to sing for God With Sandi Patty the year before she retires?!?
Lastly, do I have any fear at all? Yes I'm scared that Corey won't feed my dogs and horses! I'm scared that Piper will cry herself asleep... I'm scared that she won't, she's growing up after all and is beginning to create that self-sufficient bubble. I'm worried Corey won't take the turkey out of the freezer, and I'm also worried my feet and back will protest to all of the physical requirements this jaunt will require. But in the end I can think of all those things for a split second and still lay my head down and sleep well.
There are police with AR's on every corner and even more. This is exactly the same risk as working downtown OKC or going to the movie in Denver and many others. The news is just aware of it and putting a bigger spotlight on it.
With all of that being said - specific prayers for protection would be appreciated. Thanks for asking about me!