Sunday, July 3, 2016

Shoooot!! And I had been doing pretty well avoiding Lucille Ball moments!?!??

Shoot!!! To the young man who owns a silver Chevy and parked in front of my sister's house for the city fireworks:  

You see, my daughter has a silver Chevy. But yours was first -and Silver - and facing the right direction.... Granted your student folder for TTC threw me.  But much to my shock I just decided she had a boyfriend she wasn't wanting us to know about ... I grinned a little and noticed all of your tools  and wondered just HOW MUCH you used our daughter's car anyway?!? 

I tried to start the car but the key wouldn't go in. 🤔🤔 odd -- it unlocked your door!!  😔

I looked around again -- 2 pairs of shoes ... A change of clothes ... And then I looked up and in the rear view mirror I could see ..... WAIT is That my Daughter's car?!?!? Shoot!!! 

In my panic I jumped out of your car (honking the horn as I got out) ... This startled the crowd in front of my sister's house so I smiled and waved at them hoping they wouldn't say anything and walked as casually to my daughter's car across the street!!! With certainty,  I locked your car back up because I jabbed at the lock button roughly five or six times in my panic!  But there are so many people outside I'm sure your things will be well protected.  Well,  I mean - you know ... Protected from everyone but me!!! 😱😱😱😱😨😨

I'm So Sorry!!!! 😁😁
Lucille Ball 

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Women's Lib Pshhhhh

P.S. A woman's place is wherever she can be a Woman in every sense - including being polite.  Ladies - Ladies For decades women ...